Source 1: Neumann KM184s (PAS)->Tascam DR-60mkII->SanDisk Extreme Pro 32GB SD card (24/48); Source 2: SBD->Tascam DR-60mkII->SanDisk Extreme Pro 32GB SD card (24/48); Mics were DFC next to the lighting board on the first raised tier, about 9' up and 20' from the stage.
SanDisk Ultra SDHC card>card reader>Audacity 2.1.0->individual sources normalized to -5db-> timeshift/aligned->high pass filter @60hz (6db)->EQ->mixed down from 4-track to 2-track stereo (-3/+1 db)-> normalized to -1.0 db->WAV (24/48)->FLAC (24/48) (Level 8)