SOURCE 1: SBD > Line in on Sound Devices MixPre-6ii. SOURCE 2: DPA 4021 (DIN DFC clamped to front left corner of the SBD booth) > Sound Devices MixPre-6ii. SOURCE 3: Schoeps MK41 hypercard capsules (XY DFC clamped to front left corner of SBD Booth) > Sound Devices MixPre-6ii. All 3 sources were run into the same MixPre-6ii and the 2 mic sources were directly on top of one another on the same stand at 2432.
LINEAGE: SD Card > Computer Hardrive > Audacity (Mix, Volume Envelope to tweak some fluxuating levels on the SBD feed, TDR Nova EQ for light high pass, LoudMax light peak limiting, track, MAutoAlign, export to 24/96) > Foobar 2000 (tagging).