Set 1: Microtech Gefell m300's (DINa) > Kind Kables > Sound Devices USBPre2@24bit/48khz > Edirol R-44 > sd card Location: (FOB, LOC, ~9.0 ft. high, in front of SBD barrier, under balcony) Set 2: Microtech Gefell m300's (PAS) > Kind Kables > Apogee Mini-Me@24bit/48khz > Edirol R-44 > sd card Location: (LOB, VLOC, ~7.0 ft. high, behind SBD barrier, under balcony, aimed at stacks)
Sound Forge 9.0(eq, normalize and fades ) > CD wave 1.93.3 > FLAC v1.2.1 (L8) as build in TLH v2.6.0(Build 168) > Flac Tagging with live show tagger in Foobar V1.0.3