7-channel multitrack: stereo pair Schoeps MK21 110 degrees/25 cm on-stage>M222>NT222DC>Sound Devices 744T plus Schoeps MK4>Neve Portico 5012>SD 744T (guitar and bass amps) plus AKG D112 (kick drum)>Whirlwind mic splitter>SD 744T plus 2 x Shure SM81 (drum overheads)>Whirlwind mic splitter>Lunatec V3 (analog out)>SD 744T, all at 24/48 (two SD 744Ts linked)
Adobe Audition 2.0 (mix to 2-ch, normalize with Waves L3 Ultramaximizer)>R8Brain Pro (resample to 44.1)>Wavelab 6 (dither to 16-bits using MegaBitMax)>CDWav1.94>FLAC Frontend>.flac (no DAE)