Original recording: Soundboard -> Denon DTR80p -> DAT (master @16 bit/48khz); Transfer: Sony R500->Sound Devices 722; Mastered: Soundforge Audio Studio 10.0a - All file manipulation in Soundforge done at 24 bits. First applied 20 band Graphic EQ boosting the mid bass range (225-40hz), rolling off the low bass slightly (29 hz and below), cutting the high mids (mostly in the 1.3-3.6k range) and very slightly rolling off the highs (5.1-15k). Then I applied slight volume normalization at beg of show to even out when I was still setting my recording levels. Then I did the 48k sample rate conversion to 44.1k sample rate conversion using iZotope 64-Bit SRC set higher than "Highest Quality" setting w/anti-alias filter, and dithered back down to 16 bits using using iZotope MBIT+ with Ultra noise shaping, High dither settings. Tracked in CDWav. (Note the raw transfer files from my DAT are in my personal archives so if you think you could do a better job on this recording, by all means get in touch.)