Scott Bernstein + Brendan O'Neill
Soundboard+Audience matrix
Original Master Recording: SBD feed + B&K4011s -> Mackie 1202 mixer -> Denon DTR-80p (master@16/48) Master DAT playback: Sony R500 -> Sound Devices 722 digital input (@24/48) Mastered: (Acoustic Set, Electric Set 1, Soundcheck): Files processed in Steinberg Spectralayers 10 using Demixing tool to create individual instrument stems, isolating the vocal track, adding a tiny bit of EQ and compression, and then mixing it back into the original recording at a boosted level. (For entire show:) File processed in Soundforge Pro 17.0 for volume normalization, and patching about 10 dropouts from the DAT transfer in "Crazy Head" and "Epilog" (from the pre-existing recording on archive.org -- but to make the patches clean I needed to invert both channels as they were out of phase from my recording), sample convert from 44.1 to 48hkz, and match the volume levels); 24 -> 16 bit dither using POW-r Dither with POW-r #3 noise shaping. Tracked in CDWav. Tagged in Tag&Rename 3.9.15